44008 Dollars to Naira Black Market Today

The black market rate for 44008 Dollars to Naira is 73,064,282 NGN as of today, 05:25 PM WAT.

44008 USD = 73,064,282 NGN
* 1 USD = 1,660.25 NGN* 1 NGN = 0.00060 USD
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How much is 44008 US Dollars in Naira?

When you convert 44008 US Dollars to Nigerian Naira, you get 73,064,282 NGN, using the rate of 0.000602 USD for 1 NGN. *This rate is obtained using the black market average across various unofficial channels outside the CBN.

You can use the currency converter above to check USD rates and it’s NGN equivalent. See also our USDT to Naira converter.

44008 Dollars to Naira when compared to other Currencies

Currency ConversionBlack Market Rate in Naira
44008 Dollars to Naira73,064,282
44008 Tether USD to Naira73,107,849.92
44008 British Pounds to Naira87,575,920
44008 Euros to Naira72,882,969.04

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44008 USD to NGN Price History (Last 7 Days)

Last 7 days, 44008 USD was traded for 73,064,273 NGN, yesterday it went for 73,064,280.5 NGN, and today it averages 73,064,282 Naira. Here is the complete price chart in the last 7 days. Compare the daily prices for  44008 US Dollars against the Nigerian Naira, and the price movements for the week.

DateConversion Rate
Wednesday, 8th January 2025$44008 = 73,064,282 Naira
Tuesday, 7th January 2025$44008 = 73,064,280.5 Naira
Monday, 6th January 2025$44008 = 73,064,279 Naira
Sunday, 5th January 2025$44008 = 73,064,277.5 Naira
Saturday, 4th January 2025$44008 = 73,064,276 Naira
Friday, 3rd January 2025$44008 = 73,064,274.5 Naira
Thursday, 2nd January 2025$44008 = 73,064,273 Naira

USD to Naira Conversion Rate Table

Currency Information

USD (Black Market Dollars)

In Nigeria, the black market for USD (Black Market Dollars) refers to the unofficial exchange of U.S. dollars at rates significantly higher than the official rate set by the Central Bank of Nigeria. This unregulated parallel market reflects economic pressures such as inflation, foreign exchange shortages, and regulatory constraints.

Naira (NGN)

The Nigerian Naira (NGN), represented by the symbol ₦, is Nigeria's official currency. It is issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria and is used for all domestic transactions, available in both coin and banknote forms.
