Bitcoin to Naira Price: Convert BTC to NGN

When you convert 1 Bitcoin to Naira, you get 175,181,298.35 NGN, as of today January 23rd, 2025, 04:57 PM WAT .

1 BTC = 175,181,298.35 NGN
* 1 BTC = 175,181,298.35 NGN
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How much is 1 BTC in Nigerian Naira?

The current price of 1 Bitcoin in Naira is 175,181,298.35 NGN , which means that buying 0.1 BTC will cost you 17,518,129.835 Naira. Inversely, 1 Naira is equal to 0.0000000057 Bitcoin .

We have created a BTC to Naira converter for you by aggregating data from P2P and Crypto exchanges like Binance, Bybit, Remitano, Kucoin, and Paxful. You can input any amount on the widget to see the currency equivalent in Naira.

$1 Bitcoin is equal to 0.0000094 BTC, while $100 Bitcoin is 0.0009 BTC not including platform or gas fees.

You can use the Coinveto app to convert Naira to Bitcoin and BTC to Naira, and vice-versa. This can be done by simply visiting the website's homepage.

1 BTC to NGN Price Chart


BTC to Naira Conversion Rates

BTC AmountValue in Naira
0.0001 BTC 17,518.13 NGN
0.0005 BTC 87,590.649 NGN
0.001 BTC 175,181.298 NGN
0.002 BTC 350,362.597 NGN
0.003 BTC 525,543.895 NGN
0.004 BTC 700,725.193 NGN
0.005 BTC 875,906.492 NGN
0.006 BTC 1,051,087.79 NGN
0.01 BTC 1,751,812.984 NGN
0.019 BTC 3,328,444.669 NGN
0.02 BTC 3,503,625.967 NGN
0.03 BTC 5,255,438.95 NGN
0.05 BTC 8,759,064.918 NGN
0.1 BTC 17,518,129.835 NGN
0.2 BTC 35,036,259.67 NGN
0.5 BTC 87,590,649.175 NGN
1 BTC 175,181,298.35 NGN

NGN to BTC Rates

NairaBTC Equivalent
5,000 NGN0.0000285 BTC
10,000 NGN0.0000571 BTC
20,000 NGN0.0001142 BTC
50,000 NGN0.0002854 BTC
100,000 NGN0.0005708 BTC
500,000 NGN0.0028542 BTC
1,000,000 NGN0.0057084 BTC
1,500,000 NGN0.0085626 BTC
2,000,000 NGN0.0114167 BTC
2,500,000 NGN0.0142709 BTC
3,000,000 NGN0.0171251 BTC
10,000,000 NGN0.0570837 BTC

Currency Information

Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized digital currency, often referred to as "digital gold," with a capped supply of 21 million coins, designed to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries.

Nigerian Naira (NGN)

NGN, or the Nigerian Naira, is the official currency of Nigeria, used for all domestic transactions. It is issued and regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria and plays a crucial role in the country's economy.
